"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead
State House District 13 | INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAIʻI - Thursday 6 October 2022
Rabbit Holes/Society & Culture - Hawai’i Election Special 2022 | Nikhilananda Nick | Hawai’i State House - 5 November 2022
Rabbit Holes/Society & Culture - Hawaiian Election Special - Nikhilananda Nick | Hawai'i State House (DISTRICT 13) 5 November 2022
Matt Hoh for U.S. Senate Pre-Election Rally with Green Candidates from Around the Country - 3 November 2022 [1:10.00 - 1:22.50]
State of Hawai'i Council on Developmental Disabilities - 25th Annual Maui LEGISLATIVE FORUM - 5 October 2022
Voters in a so-called canoe district encompassing Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi and northeast Maui have three choices to fill an open seat in District 13 in the State House of Representatives, including .... Green Party candidate Nick Nikhilananda.
Lahaina News - Support community-minded candidates - 4 November 2022
The Maui News - Vision for future of Maui required for politicians - 29 October 2022
The Maui News - Support for Nikhilananda for State House - 28 October 2022
The Maui News - Right time has come for Nikhilananda - 18 October 2022
The Maui News - On the Campaign Trail - Nikhilananda to appear on PBS on Thursday 6 October 2022 at 7:30pm
Hawaii News - On the Expedition Trail - Nikhilananda will be seen on PBS on Thursday 6 October 2022 at 7:30pm
Ballotpedia - Answers to questionnaire, campaign information - 2022
Vote USA - Nick Nikhilananda - Biographical Profile and Positions on the Issues - 2022
Civil Beat - Candidates 2022 - Candidate Q&A: State House District 13 — Nick Nikhilananda
2022 Election Star Advertiser: Nick Nikhilananda
The Maui News - Time to institute ranked choice voting - 14 October 2022
Lahaina News - Hawaii needs Ranked Choice Voting - 13 October 2022
Civil Beat - CandidateForum - Nick Nikhilananda, House District 13:Time To Institute Ranked Choice Voting In All Hawaii Races - 30 September 2022
Lahaina News - Charter Commission made mostly insignificant changes - 2 June 2022
The Maui News - Charter commission work ends with dull thud - 31 May 2022
Name: Nick Nikhilananda
Age: 71
Birthplace: Brooklyn New York, New York
Town of residence: Huelo
Occupation: Candidate, Hawai'i State House of Representatives, D-13
Education: M.A. Public Law/Urban Affairs - The American University - Washington, D.C. 1975; B.A. Political Science - Bradley University - Peoria, Illinois 1972; Hawai’i Facilitator Certificate - Mediation Services of Maui 2008; Legal Research and Lexis/Westlaw Certificate - Maui Community College - OCET 2002; Mediation Certificate - Mediation Services of Maui, Inc. 1991; Real Estate Salesman License - Hawaii Institute of Real Estate 1987.
Political experience: Co-chair, Green Party of Hawaii, 2009–2014; co-chair, Maui County Green Party, 1994-2000; member, Coordinating Committee, Green Party of Hawaii, 2008-present; one of the two Hawai'i National Delegates - Green Party of the United States, 2009 – present, Candidate, Hawai'i State House of Representatives - 2016, 18; Maui County Council - 1992, ‘94, ‘98, 2000, ‘06, '14; United States Congress, 2nd District, ‘02/‘03.
Community service: Producer/Host, Maui Talks-TV, 2002-2011; Commissioner, Maui County Board of Variances and Appeals, 1995-2000; member, Maui County Mayor’s Task Force on Higher Education, 1993-1995; Board of Directors, member, Akaku: Maui Community Television, 2001-2006; Board of Directors, member, (past president), Ha’iku Community Association, 1999-2006; volunteer mediator, Mediation Services of Maui, 1991-2010; volunteer mediator, District Court, Small Claims Division, 2000-2002; volunteer counselor, Imua Rehab Summer Camp, 1991-1993, 1999. Traveled extensively, visiting fifty+ countries on five continents plus all fifty States of the U.S.
Family: I have an older brother who shares a home with his wife, their daughter, her husband and their eight grandchildren. My younger brother lives with his wife while both his son and daughter have graduated college and are out on their own. I have an extended family of first and second cousins, who mostly live in New Jersey, New York plus California, with others in Massachusetts and Texas.
QUESTIONS (100-word limit):
*With concerns like the pandemic, inflation and rising gas prices, what can we as a state do to make our economy more resilient and sustainable in crisis?
It is important that we find and develop other mechanisms for expanding our economy besides depending solely on the tourist and visitor industry. Suggested areas may include high tech, education, health care and agriculture. We import ninety percent of our food; food sovereignty and security are significant concerns. We can grow our own food in a sustainable way, regenerating the soil from years of misuse. Hemp is another field Hawai'i can be a world leader. High-tech is an option, through expanding our broadband infrastructure. UH is a leader in ocean science/marine biology, astronomy plus pacific island/Asian studies. Expanding film/television production.
*Maui County has waited years for several much-needed infrastructure improvement projects, such as the realignment of Honoapi'ilani Highway. What projects do you feel are the most pressing in your district and how would you address them?
There are roads needed on both Molokai & Lanai, which are part of the 13th District. I testified numerous times at the Reapportionment Commission to divide this District, rather than have remote areas on four islands in one House district. Nevertheless, the Pa'ia Relief Road/Pa'ia Bypass is urgently needed on Maui. Actual affordable housing plus expanding our broadband infrastructure on the three inhabited islands, plus additional medical facilities along with Legislative offices throughout the District. Cleaning up unexploded ordinance on Kaho'olawee. H.R.3684 – The “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” will bring at least $2.8 billion in federal funding to Hawai'i.
*This session the Legislature allocated a record $1 billion for Native Hawaiian initiatives. In terms of either funding or legislation, how can state lawmakers continue to improve the government's relationship to and support of Native Hawaiians?
I recently attended a nine hour Native Hawaiian Law Training Course. It is disgraceful how the State has failed to honor its “trust doctrine” requirements, delineated in our State of Hawai'i Constitution and various HRS's! Access to both federal/state funding and programs is urgently needed from Washington and the State of Hawai'i to fulfill the government’s federal and state trust responsibilities. Various grants and programs need to immediately be implemented, put in place, developed and adopted. Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate the relationship Hawai'i has with the rest of the United States. A reconciliation entity needs to be established.
2022 Sierra Club Maui Group State Candidate Political Questionnaire
Email *
Name *
Office running for *
The climate crisis exposes Hawai'i and the world to catastrophic outcomes. We have less than 15 years before we pass the threshold at which the accumulated gases will inevitably cause more than 2 degrees celsius of warming. Drastic measures are necessary to avoid this disaster. What actions would you support (or oppose) and why or why not?
a) A major reforestation program to plant millions of trees in Hawai'i?
SUPPORT! It is necessary and long overdue! Preferably, only indigenous species.
b) Require the state Employee Retirement System to divest its holdings in the top 100 fossil fuel companies?
SUPPORT! It is important to invest in socially responsible and sustainable brands and preferably non-profit corporations.
c) Ban the sale in Hawai'i of new cars with internal combustion engines by the year 2035
SUPPORT! With the understanding that there will still be support for those who possess internal combustion vehicles, since they may last for up to twenty years. At the same time, having the necessary infrastructure for hydrogen, electric, hybrid and alternative power vehicles, which may be using technology we have not even as of yet thought of.
d) What will you do to make it practical and affordable for ALICE and other low-income population groups to make the switch from gas and diesel vehicles to ones that do not emit greenhouse gases?
RAISE taxes on multi-national corporations and high-income individuals, while at the same time LOWER taxes on ALICE and similar people. Raise the minimum wage to a living wage! Build more affordable housing units, provide affordable child and health care, while providing financial support to purchase. Expand public transportation, while making it free for low-income individuals/families plus expand affordable and/or free childcare.
d) A tax on air travel to subsidize the cost of planting sufficient trees to mitigate the carbon footprint of each air traveler to Hawaii?
SUPPORT! Institute the tax!
e) Increase tax incentives for battery storage for renewable generation to stabilize supply to demand?
SUPPORT! Pass supportive legislation. Technology is constantly creating new, environmentally friendly inventions.
One of the most certain impacts of climate change is sea level rise. Would you support legislation to strengthen management of our coastal zones such as those below? Why or why not?
a) greater coastal setbacks for development?
SUPPORT! Houses are already falling into the ocean in Hawai'i!
b) removal of illegal sea walls?
SUPPORT! Operative word is "illegal"! Lots of research showing their environmental damage.
c) compensation by state or counties to owners of coastal property threatened by coastal erosion if these owners voluntarily forego building hardened structures (i.e. seawalls)?
Support! Encourage to move with necessary compensation.
The state LUC and the BLNR and their enabling laws play key roles in protecting natural resources on private and public land. For instance, HRS Ch, 205 that governs the LUC allows the state as well as citizens who are granted standing to intervene when land is proposed for urbanization. This means they may cross examine developers, prevent behind-closed-door contacts between developers and decision makers, and ensure that decisions are explained and based upon evidence. The BLNR is required by case law to consider the impacts of their actions on Public Trust resources.
a) Do you support or oppose efforts to "streamline" the land use process that would eliminate the LUC?
If streamlining would mean denying public input, I would oppose. However, the LUC has in too many situations been "controlled" by developers and lobbyists who influence too many elected officials and seem to rubber stamp inappropriate development! The discussion of the LUC seems to be a red herring, to move the discussion away for continuing to paving over valuable agricultural land and allowing high-end and resort development!
b) Do you support the BLNR adopting explicit decision-making criteria for the lease and other dispositions of public property to ensure protection of public trust resources (e.g. streams, forests, historic sites, trails)?
c) Do you support a legislative change requiring BLNR to not dispose of public property when doing so would create substantial adverse impacts on natural or cultural resources?
d) Will you oppose efforts to water down or exempt special projects proposed in the State Conservation District from the criteria that now protect them?
YES, if you are implying that there will be less rigorous review of any development in the Conservation Districts!
Invasive species have severely impacted and even eliminated native ecosystems across Hawai`i. This has cost the government and individuals millions of dollars and in some cases placed the lives of humans, farm animals and native flora and fauna at risk. Quick emergency response is needed to eradicate diseases like Dengue or Rat Lungworm and pests like little fire ants, Rapid Ohia Death and coffee berry borers, as well as potential future invasive species and diseases. What solutions do you support or not support and why?
a) Increased funding for disease vector controls and invasive species control?
OF COURSE! Long overdue! Including travel from island to island!
b) Steps to prevent the movement of plants from infested areas without adequate screening?
Hawai'i has been woefully lacking in the control and screening of flora & fauna moving from island to island and within and on various islands. Increase funding is a first step, then rigorous review and implementation of additional checks and screening, including employing additional personnel.
c) Investing in trained canines to detect various biosecurity threats to crops and native flora and fauna, as is done in New Zealand?
Don't you love Aotearoa; a progressive Country in numerous areas. As long as the dogs are not used to sniff out cannabis!
In Hawai`i almost all of our drinking water, our cities and towns, our farms, and coastal ecosystems depend on groundwater – underground aquifers – which are recharged from rainfall and streams. However our management of streams and aquifers is not always sustainable. Streams statewide are diverted by large landowners leaving little to recharge many aquifers. The official process to petition for increased stream flows is long and expensive. And when the state sets so-called "Sustainable Yields" for aquifers, they do not explicitly consider how much water needs to flow into coastal ecosystems. What solutions would you support or not support to help increase a better balance and enhance our fresh water security, and why?
a) Fund the updated studies and ongoing monitoring of major streams statewide to have sufficient data for decision makers?
It took years for the CWRM to finally rule on the East Maui streams. Sadly, it is still not over. Hire additional personnel to monitor what is going on.
b) Require diversions of streams to not exceed a reasonable percentage of natural flow?
It took years for the CWRM to finally rule on the East Maui streams. Sadly, it is still not over. Hire additional personnel to monitor what is going on. I applied to be an intervenor on the case and though not included, was accepted as a "resource", since i live on a diverted stream.
c) Work to resolve "holdover permits" to small farmers and ranchers who divert surface waters where they are sustainably available, and phase out the practice of renewing short term permits en masse with no review of impacts to ecosystems or aquifers?
We have been demanding this for years, yet our current elected officals and representatives appear to be deaf to this urgent need!
d) Many water decisions end up being made in our courts. Should the Legislature refrain from over-ruling the courts when large landowners ask?
Many of our current elected representatives are beholden to the money they receive from lobbyists working for large landowners including formerly agricultural business which are now land development corporations. Until we institute campaign finance reform and public financing of elections, we will continue to experience the criminal activity, not often exposed, which recently occurred to my own State Senator, who was constantly supported by numerous environmental organizations, groups and individuals! Sadly, this is why the Courts have the impacts that they do.
The Hawaii Tourism Authority receives more than $80 million to market Hawai`i to tourists.
a) Do you support reducing that amount to make more money available for programs in the Departments of Health and of Land and Natural Resources that protect our natural and cultural resources?
This is obvious! Hawai'i residents do not need their hard-earned dollars and taxes going to support the visitor industry. Look at how a former elected official now runs a major tourist organization! Nothing new in the inappropriate situation Hawai'i has with the merry go round of "politicians" and the development and tourist industry.
b) Do you favor limiting tourism to each island's carrying capacity?
Of course. Eventually visitors will stop coming if Hawai'i is turned into a "Disneyland". At the same time, we are destroying the Aina and quality of life for residents.
c) If so, how could this be done?
A cross section of residents would review and decide how many visitors can a specific island handle. As it is, something similar has been done on Maui in the Island plan, yet it is not enforced and has been surpassed! Manage the number of non-residents allowed to arrive, by managing the flights which are permitted to land. Of course, allow some limited fluctuation of the maximum set.
d) Should the State do an Environmental Impact Study for tourism?
Long overdue.
e) Should it assess a visitor fee, as New Zealand does, to offset the environmental and social impacts?
Yes. A reasonable amount. It is already done on some items, for example car rentals collect a fee from non-residents.
f) Should Hawai'i Tourism Authority be defunded? If so, should any of its programs continue?
YES! DEFUND. At the same time, review programs which ARE beneficial and continue the funding for them in a reconstituted organization. We are all aware that most of the visitor industry is owned and controlled by multinational corporations which in some cases are foreign entities.
Recently the Legislature considered a bill to overrule a court decision which said that Alexander & Baldwin can't keep getting extensions on their water allotment from East Maui streams.
a) Should East Maui streams that kalo farmers, fishermen and aquatic species depend upon continue to be diverted and de-watered when the new owner Mahi Pono has not defined its future commercial agriculture plans?
NO NO and NO! Perfect example of the corruption of our current representatives! I LIVE on property with an East Maui stream that for 150 years has been totally diverted! The dam is twenty feet west of the land; flowing 24/7, 365 days a year. East of the dam it is totally dry!
Only when the diversions were removed from a stream which the one which flows through my property must be a tributary of, water is now flowing after more than twenty years which i have been on this property. Now there is numerous aquatic life flourishing in the stream!!
b) Should the Legislature overrule the courts or step in to give entities water allotments?
Well, what do you mean by "entities?? For-profit companies have invested in the lands to make money! Of course, where the courts have incorrectly ruled, then yes. Where the courts are protecting the residents of the land, then absolutely not. However, our current elected officials are to a great extent in the pocket of the large landowners, which are mostly former plantation companies which are now land development corporations!
a) What environmental accomplishment have you contributed to, that you are most proud of?
For thirty years, I have testified on numerous issues. I assisted in founding the Green Party of Hawai'i, which, different then the majority Democrat party, puts the environment first. The GPH has had ballot status for those thirty years! I have been a supporter for curbside recycling, which sadly has not been implemented, except on a limited scale. I also advocated for a public transportation system, when most elected officials were against it. Finally, after many years it was put in place. This has taken vehicles off of the roads. I championed a plastic ban prior to hardly anyone speaking about it. We still use fossil fuels to produce too much of our electricity and have spoken against this practice for years, while advocating additional wind turbines and solar power. The reality is that those elected officials, some who have conflict of interests, have too much control over the policies which are implemented in our communities.
b) What environmental issues would you prioritize as most pressing in Hawai`i today, and what initial steps would you propose to address them effectively?
Climate change, especially with the rise in sea levels, along with the unsustainable impacts of tourism, which gives rise to the loss of agricultural land and thus the urbanization of our communities. This results in our lack of food security and independence. Marine plastic pollution is negatively impacting our reefs. Our water quality, both ground and surface water, along with the negative situation of generations of diverting our streams, are all a serious challenge. How many of these issues have resulted in the growth of invasive species, both our flora and fauna. Little gets accomplished without being successful in standing for office. Thus, being one who actually has a significant impact on furthering all of these numerous items we have spoken about here and having a vote, voice and platform.
HSTA Candidate Questionnaire 2022 Hawaii State Legislature Candidates
Email *
Candidate name *
Political party affiliation *
Are you running for Senate or the House? *
Which district number are you running for?
Candidate mailing address *
P.O. BOX 1704 MAKAWAO MAUI, HAWAI'I 96768-1704
Candidate cell phone *
Candidate alternate phone *
Candidate email address *
Candidate Questionnaire
1. What benefit is there for HSTA to recommend someone for your legislative seat? If there is a benefit, then please explain why we should recommend you as a legislature? *
Having an endorsement from the HSTA is advantageous in that residents will realize that the largest educational organization in Hawai'i has trust in this individual. We need educated people in the legislature. Nevertheless, too often endorsements are made to incumbents, which I did experience years ago with an individual lacking in advanced education yet did secure an endorsement!
Nevertheless, too many lack the critical thinking, education and life experiences necessary to be an effective representative. I am a resident of the 13th District for over thirty-four years. I possess an M.A. in Public Law and Urban Affairs from The American University in Washington, D.C., a B.A. in Political Science from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. I have a Hawai'i Facilitator Certificate, am a trained Mediator, having been a volunteer Small Claims Division in Circuit Court Mediator for over two years, and for twenty years a volunteer community mediator. I worked as a teacher in both the public school system with the DOE, plus I was the mathematics teacher at the Maui site of the Hawai'i Job Corps. I also taught at Washington International College in Washington, D.C. I have served on Non-profit Boards of Directors and two Maui County Commissions. In addition, for over nine years, I was the Producer and Host of Maui Talks-TV, on Akaku: Maui Community Television. It was the longest continually-running, 90 minute Live public affairs call-in talk show on Akaku and I was awarded numerous awards during its run. I have also volunteered for numerous Maui events. I have had an inactive Real Estate Salesman license for thirty years. I have testified at community meetings, Maui Council Council hearings, various State and County commissions plus have had many articles published in local media. I am a well-known community activist in my legislative district.
2. What are your top three priorities for the State of Hawaii and how will you implement them? What are your top three priorities for public education in our state? *
Structural changes, including campaign finance reform, public financing of elections, Ranked Choice/Instant runoff elections; holding more elected officials accountable for their ethical and legal infractions, as recently occurred with my former State Senator. Taxpayer reform, to recoup millions of dollars of multi-national and former agricultural now development corporations currently evading their fair share of taxes. Then redirecting this largess to social service and educational departments, which would include truly assisting the thousands of house-less and non-sheltered residents. Plus a major effort, not lip service, to provide affordable housing for ALICE and other low income individuals and families, while expanding child care.
Ensure that our public educational departments receive adequate resources for both teachers and students. Increase funding for the physical plants, so girls have sports and other services equal to the boys. Having taught in classrooms too hot for anyone, especially young individuals, is unacceptable! The turnover in educators, teachers and staff is unacceptable; as a result of low pay and poor working conditions. Plus recognition that Substitute teachers are not "sub" but many are highly educated and qualified individuals; include them in HSTA or a sister union!
3. Do you feel public education is adequately funded, and if not what ideas do you have to address adequate funding for public education? *
Every department, organization, group needs more funding and finances. With a top-heavy Department, too much money is being siphoned off to administrators and personnel not in the classroom. This is partially due to the single educational structure in Hawai'i, the only State with such an antiquated system. Restructure the DOE so that each County has more independence for creative, innovative programs. One size does not fit for all. Currently the majority of the money comes from the general fund, which is primarily state tax revenues. It appears the monies, a little over $2.1 billion, has been relatively the same for the last few years, going up slightly. State bonds are the major source for CIP projects. Creative innovations are forced to meander through the bloated bureaucracy, which naturally discourages fresh input from numerous sources. What is clear is that way too much money is swallowed up by the huge State DOE bureaucracy! It is obvious that more money needs to go toward teachers and the physical plants and less to those not in the classrooms and not necessary. This is not to say that there is absolutely no need for administrators and professional support staff; it is the balance which is fatally flawed. We must be especially cognizant of the financial disadvantage some of our students have and provide programs and strategies which address their particular needs. Which obviously points out that each and every student needs to be treated in a holistic manner, so as to provide for them the best chance of success. Teachers teach differently as do students learn differently. Where possible, this must be taken into account and the best environment and support services have to be provided. We can not solely raise taxes or charge visitors to pay for the DOE. We must restructure our tax system, minimize waste, which includes the bloated Hawai'i Visitors Bureau and the HVCB.
4. How will you be active in ensuring that public education, and attracting and retaining educators, are prioritized? What specific legislation will you propose to address ongoing systemic failures to deal with these issues? *
Providing more funding so teacher salaries and compensation reflects the State's high cost of living. Financial support and tax relief where appropriate, which would include student loans and various educational costs. Create programs so that qualified educators can rent and/or purchase affordable housing. Child care plus paid family leave are other critical legislative needs. Establish additional funding and perhaps an audit so the citizens of Hawai'i know that they money is going to progressive, positive programs and not being wasted in the black hole of the Department. We must find ways to recruit and retain teachers by lessening their financial burdens.
5. What is your plan to provide teachers with access to affordable rentals and houses? *
An example of positive legislation is HB2345. This would establish funding to provide affordable housing. This needs to be done on each island. The HHFDC is a State agency for housing development and financing. Salaries in Hawai'i for teachers, when adjusted for cost of living, trails the nation. This is unacceptable. Housing is a large portion of a teachers' paycheck. Support additional funding and matching legislation throughout the State, since permitting, planning and land use rules are mostly a County responsibility. We can offer incentives to each County to fast-track affordable developments which offer educators special options to buy and rent these units.
6. How would you support fast-tracking and modernizing the repairs and projects of public education facilities? Please explain. *
.Make it a priority; currently it is not! Offer, propose and support legislation which makes it a priority. South Maui is finally getting a public high school, though there is a charter school located there, which has been needed for at least twenty years! Partially this is a result of a single, top-heavy, O'ahu centric system. A prime example of why the DOE needs to be broken up! Without a legislature which looks at public education as a priority, it will not be. That is why it is critical to have a representative who will speak up and speak out on these issues, having been an educator and teacher for much of my professional life. The budget is divided into two areas; that is the operating budget for administration, testing, schools and school programs. The other part is the capital improvement section, devoted to the physical plant, including construction of new schools, landscaping, land acquisition and maintenance.
Most of the budget in Hawai'i comes from the general funds, plus from federal, special and trust funds. In most communities the funds for schools come primarily from property taxes; not in Hawai'i, since we have a centrally-located, State run system. Perhaps some small percentage of property taxes could be allocated toward education in each County, to be used solely for capital expenditures in the various jurisdictions and locales. Nevertheless the bulk will come from the State coffers.
As to the physical plants and actual school buildings and facilities, new schools need to meet current safety standards; thus designing, retrofitting and constructing of schools will cost more. They will need to not only meet but exceed current standards and building codes. The Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) is one source to receive federal funding for instructional facilities improvement. Federal funds for capital improvements are disbursed through the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF). Another source would be educational block grants which have various criteria as to how they may be spent.
Bonds are always a method for raising necessary monies. Municipal bonds are probably the most practical and utilized method for raising necessary monies, especially for school construction. The added benefit is that for the investor, they are tax exempt. The recent conflict within our State legislature regarding one representative wanting to take money away from another jurisdiction to construct a desperately needed school profoundly shows that we need to think outside the box and develop creative methods and mechanisms to raise the necessary capital to construct the needed schools for our system. We also need to support and take advantage of federal programs to reduce school bond interest rates. There are also local school construction bonds. Local School Construction Bonds are typically used to finance a building or capital project. We could use them to construct new facilities or renovate existing buildings. The laws governing them and the amounts of the bond vary throughout the country. Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZABs) can also be used for renovating school buildings. They are administered by the Internal Revenue Service as a provision of the tax code. These bonds provide interest savings for financing school renovations and repairs but cannot be used for new construction. It is criminal and malfeasance on the part of the DOE to be so far behind in maintenance, new construction plus providing air conditioned schools. As previously mentioned, as a DOE teacher, I was personally impacted by this cruel and unacceptable situation.
Another possibility could be an ad valorem tax on property transactions, or, in particular, a percentage of the recording of the conveyance. Again, because of the unique structure of our State, a single office for all recordings, it may offer a particular challenge. Nevertheless, it is incumbent upon our legislature and the Department to be creative and research what may have been tried in other jurisdictions.
An important possibility would be to consider alternative and new revenue streams. When taking this into consideration, we must demand that the funding is adequate, and that it is equitable and of course can it be counted on. State legislation may have to be considered. Another area is the idea of privately owned, and/or public/private partnerships in the construction of new school facilities, which can provide a combination of financing, ownership and use arrangements to facilitate construction. If it is true, as most people say, that public education is a priority, then it is necessary to look at as many alternatives as possible. A variety of funding strategies for building options must be included in any discussion of public education in Hawai'i.
There are numerous other Federal monies and creative ways which Hawai'i must seek and take advantage. This is far from an exhaustive list, however it would include, in no particular order, programs such as funds for modernization, emergency repairs, new construction and maintenance, which are available through the Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program and the Impact Aid Facilities Maintenance Program. Most have restrictions for their use; however, with numerous military bases and facilities located especially on O'ahu, these monies may be available. As public charter schools continue to grow, other programs, such as the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program and the State Charter School Incentive Grants Program need to be considered. The Department of Agriculture has dedicated funds for kitchen improvement, through the Equipment Assistance Grants for School Food Authorities. The Department of the Interior has programs, as does the Department of Defense, which offers the Military Construction Program, providing construction resources for DOD-operated schools on military bases, though these may be too restricted for the DOE to acquire. The Department of Health and Human Services' Head Start program includes grants that can be used for purchasing, renovating and constructing facilities. The Energy Department's State Energy Program grants provides funds through competitive formula grants, which focus on energy efficiency. FEMA provides monies for public school facilities for areas where floods and natural disasters have occurred, such as recently happened in the County of Hawai'i. The Department of Agriculture has a small Rural Community Facilities Program to help rural communities improve their facilities.
7. Would you support legislation that distributes the tax burden more evenly among all income earners? Please explain. *
Of course. Numerous wealthier individuals, who own more than one home and/or property in Hawai'i, and too many multi-national and former agricultural, now development companies, could easily have their tax liabilities increased. The Hawai'i tax code is chock full of right-offs and deductions which solely benefit the affluent individuals and corporations. Get rid of many of them! For ALICE residents and lower and moderate income families and individuals, I would drastically reduce their tax liabilities. I would also get rid of the taxing of food and medical items in the State of Hawai'i.
8. What legislation would you support that would ensure that corporations pay their equitable share of state taxes? *
This is an important and ongoing challenge. Since we have a one-political party State, with many elected legislators beholding to their fund raising and the lobbyists who impact their vote, we know that too many multi-national and former agricultural, now development companies, could easily have their tax liabilities increased. The same is true with the numerous wealthier individuals who own more than one home and/or property in Hawai'i. I would support demanding that our State tax system is revamped to recognize this unacceptable situation. Since our funding for the HIDOE comes from the State general fund and not property taxes as is true in most other jurisdictions in the country, this would take some adjustment, whereas counties could allocate some portion/percentage of collect taxes, especially from high-end homes, toward education. As it is, Maui County has recently introduced a tiered property tax system, which could be expanded, something that I have been advocating and am a proponent of, since my first campaign thirty years ago in 1992.
9. What is your position regarding school vouchers (i.e. public funding going to private education)? *
I do NOT support school vouchers for private schools! I do understand why some families wish to send their children to "better/private" schools; sadly this is happening around the country; I am against it here.
10. How would you hold the governor accountable to ensure he/she/they are held accountable to the citizens of Hawaii in renewing emergency proclamations? Is there any valid reason for the possible suspension of any collective bargaining laws during emergency proclamations? If so, please explain. *
As the governor stated in one of his emergency proclamations: " .... to the extent that compliance or any provision relating to collective bargaining hinders, delays, or impedes the purpose of this Proclamation. .... Obviously, this has to be narrowly defined. Generally I would be against suspension, yet understand an emergency is an emergency. If it appears that the governor exceeded his/her/their authority, then some form/type of legal action may be necessary.
2022 HCAN Speaks! Candidate Questionnaire
Email *
Candidate Name *
Office and District in which you are running *
Best email to reach you at *
Best phone number to reach you at *
Please rank these priorities for children and families (these are based on the priorities on your Packet) - 1. Economic Justice; 2. Early Care and Learning; 3. Health and Wellness; 4. Childhood Safety, Welfare and Family Strengthening; 5. Improving Hawaii *
1. Improving Hawai'i; 2. Economic Justice; 3. Childhood Safety, Welfare and Family Strengthening; 4. Health and Wellness; 5. Early Care and Learning
Please explain in more detail (whichever priority you ranked 1st) - why you feel this is the most important and how will champion that once you are elected. *
All of these priorities are truly equally important! When we improve Hawai'i, it would include assisting all of these and numerous issues; our houseless, unsheltered, those living in vehicles, and all of the ALICE families, which some experts posit are close to half of the residents in Hawai'i. By providing a supportive learning facility, this will assist students. They need healthy and safe homes, schools and day care in which to grow and prosper. At the same time, workers in these areas are among the lowest paid in our community. This is unacceptable. Lowering the fees while simultaneously raising wages will be a challenge, which we shall meet. We must have supportive legislation, sufficient funding and collaborative elected officials. Too many local individuals and the native population find themselves on the bottom end of the criminal justice system, incarceration, poor health outcomes, economic vitality, life expectancy. When we improve our social service agencies, by providing more personnel and funding, reallocating general funds money to specific programs, while at the same time raising taxes on those who can afford a more equitable financial share, Hawai'i will experience innumerable benefits for our community. Deleting taxes on food and medicine, as is true in most of the country, is long overdue. Working with county officials in instituting property taxes which recoup money from the one fifth of homes on Maui which are currently considered unoccupied is also important. This would provide funding for more affordable housing units. Affordable housing, both for sale and rental, is an urgent necessity. These would provide for children and their families. If a child is lacking a healthy and safe place to live and sufficient food, how can one expect them to grow, develop and prosper. Statistics shows that head start and high-quality early learning provides young children with the foundation that enables healthy development and academic success. Many statistics show our public education system is behind much of the country. Programs which support families is of critical importance. Prior to a family experiencing domestic violence, there must be outlets, with initiatives and strategies for families so this does not continue to be a growing community concern. An additional challenge is those families where one or both parents are involved with the criminal justice system.
If elected, what solutions would you propose to help low-to-moderate income families here in Hawaii?Please describe at least three specific measures and why you think they would be the most effective. *
I have been an advocate for creating a "living wage" for many years. Ironically this legislative session, the minimum wage was raised, where it will reach $18/hour by 2028. It is unacceptable that numerous individuals and families must work more than one job to be able to afford an acceptable standard of living. Essential items for one's household have increased, yet wages have not kept up. We are now in a situation of inflation, with wages slowly going up yet not keeping pace. $18/hour is currently not satisfactory for Maui County and all of Hawai'i. Yet the legislation which was recently passed does not reach that threshold for six more years. However at the same time we have a significant cross section of the population who live with an extraordinarily higher living situation. Despite steady economic improvements according to traditional measures, in Hawai'i there has been little improvement and has been stagnant for the last few years. There is so much which needs to be done to support families and children to get ahead yet are unable to. Household basic bare minimum budget items include housing, child care, food, transportation, technology, and health care, plus taxes and a contingency fund. Standard of living refers to the level of goods and services available to a socioeconomic class. It focuses on basic material factors such as income, gross domestic product, life expectancy, and economic opportunity. It is closely related to quality of life, which can also explore factors such as economic and political stability, political and religious freedom, environmental quality, climate, and safety. Quality of life is more subjective and also measures happiness. What we are finding is that there is greater stratification of our communities and residents. In a recent "Civil Beat" article, the situation for un-housed, un-sheltered, houseless and individuals living in a vehicle has actually been growing in the last few years. Millions of dollars, along with Government and social service agencies have been tackling this community challenge with little success to be found.
What appears to me is that many elected officials are only giving lip service to the increasingly dire situation of many residents. We must tackle our growing population who are increasingly challenged to survive. We must reevaluate our zoning, land use regulations plus what is permitted on plots of land, while at the same time taking the environment as the first consideration. Without paving over paradise, and taking more agricultural land for development, there are items which could be done to provide more affordable housing to our residents, both for purchase and rent. Plus we must recoup money, perhaps in the form of taxes and fees, from those coming to Hawai'i, purchasing houses for cash and as a result jacking up the prices for everyone. I just worked for the Census Bureau and it was found that in Maui County, which has the highest percentage of empty housing units [condominiums/apartments/houses] in the state, not including hotel rooms or timeshares, which is approximately one in five houses. A unit is considered vacant as ones either owned by individuals who do not live in the house/condo/apartment, or ones not leased long-term by Maui County residents. We can raise the threshold where an individual and/or family does not pay Hawai'i income taxes. At the same time, raise taxes on those who can afford to pay more, including individuals and corporations. Public transportation could be made free on all islands, or lowered even more. Our local transportation also includes flying from island to island. It has become outrageously prohibitive to many people. Demand that local airfares are lowered, to provide affordable fares for those who can least afford it. We do not want to only stick it to visitors, yet we can see where fees and various charges can be raised for non-residents. There use to be numerous locations which provided "kama'aina" rates. These seem to have gone the way of the "dodo" bird. An additional progressive idea is that of investigating the feasibility of a Universal Basic Income for the residents of Hawai'i Nei. Creative thinking is required.
If elected, how would you improve access to early care and learning for children under age 3? Please describe at least one specific idea and how you would fund and implement it. *
Numerous research and studies document that preschool programs are beneficial for children. It is urgent that children have sufficient access to quality early education. The fees for early education and child care needs to be kept reasonable, with subsidies for those ALICE and similar families. These need to be provided to all children and their families in Hawai'i. Once again, by raising fees and taxes on those in our community who can afford it and now take advantage of numerous loopholes and write-offs on State taxes. We definitely need to reexamine the extraordinary amounts of funding going to the Hawai'i Tourism Authority. On Maui, way too much money has been going to the Maui Visitors Bureau. Then we must established a dedicated early education and child care fund, with sufficient monies to cover all Hawai'i children. For those families who meet eligibility requirements, there is funding in the Executive Office on Early Learning.
If elected, would you introduce or sponsor legislation to ensure all workers in Hawaiʻi have access to paid family leave? Yes or No. If yes, please describe what type of leave you would push for (how many weeks, amount, qualifying reasons), and how you would fund and implement it. *
Under the Hawai'i Family Leave Law, an employee may be eligible for up to four weeks of unpaid family leave each calendar year for the birth or for adoption of a child, or to care for their child, spouse, or parent with a serious health condition. Currently no employee in Hawai'i has the legal right to PFL. Yet many children have both married/responsible parents, or their single parent, working, which leaves no full-time caregiver. The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons. Paid Family Leave could provide up to twelve or more weeks of partial wage replacement benefits to those who take time off from work to care for a seriously ill child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or registered domestic partner. I would push for and be a proponent of the most liberal paid family leave as possible. Funding will come from raising taxes on the wealthier residents, individuals and corporations, by perhaps instituting an additional fee which would be appropriate, and then coming out of Hawai'i's general fund. It could also be funded through worker contributions to the State disability insurance program. Hawai'i is one of the few states which has state-mandated disability insurance requirements. Currently employers do not have to pay employees' salaries while they are on leave. Small businesses that cannot afford to offer paid leave to their employees can offer the benefit through the PFL program.
If elected, which of these policy solutions would you be a champion for in reducing hunger and food insecurity for our keiki and their families? 1 - Breakfast in the classroom across the state. 2 -Free school meals for all students. 3 - State funding to supplement inadequate federal reimbursements for meals for low-income children at charter schools, child care, afterschool and summer programs. 4 - Hawaii joining the WIC farmers market nutrition program. Please describe at least one specific idea and how you would fund and implement it. *
All of these programs are necessary and significant. I have testified to bring local, organic produce into our schools. Now many schools actually have gardens, where the students learn about food and growing the various vegetables they consume. This teaches them that food does not come from Foodland, Times, Safeway and other markets; food comes from the a'ina. For years the DOE seemed to drag its feet on establishing this program while now it slowly is growing. No one legislator can successfully get any legislation through the legislature. Thus it is important to educate members and establish positive collaborative efforts with them, while constantly advocating for various food programs for those members of our community in need. I not only support breakfast in schools, I would advocate for meals to be provided free to all students. Perhaps families who can easily afford to pick up the expense may be excluded from this program. However, this may bring up other concerns and issues in implementing this idea. On Maui, and throughout Hawai'i, Farmers' markets have been "sprouting" up in more locations. They provide community connections, social networking, fresh and healthy food, supporting local businesses while meeting local farmers who provide and are growing the food. They offer a place and an opportunity for children to be involved. For those who qualify and meet the federal income requirements and guidelines of WIC, it is also available. To me, this program could be expanded, being that there are limitations for those who are able to take advantage of it.
As a member of the community or incumbent, what is your greatest accomplishment for keiki and families? *
I was the mathematics teacher and academic instructor at Hawai'i Job Corps/Maui Site, for close to nine years. It is a program which comprises many students from minority and lower class families. In that time, I was very active in supporting the students on numerous levels, both on and off campus. I was for many years a substitute teacher for the DOE, from Kindergarten through twelfth grade. My last years I worked exclusively in a High School. Often former students will come up and say hello. This is truly touching, especially as a substitute teacher, where many students like to forget their substitute teachers! As a community activist, over the years I have testified at numerous community committees and commissions, including a few meetings of the Board of Education. At Maui County Council and Community Association meetings, I constantly advocate for lowering the funding of the visitor industry and redirecting the monies toward social services and justice agencies, education and recreational facilities. For twenty years, which included two years as a volunteer mediator in the small claims division of District Court, I was a trained volunteer mediator, with some of the conflicts involving parents dealing with their children. In 1998, my two opponents spoke against providing a public transportation system. For years I had been an advocate for a bus system on Maui. A few years later, continually pushing for this, rudimentary bus service was commenced and recently, over two and a half million annual rides were recorded, as it constantly expands. This helps many residents who can not afford a vehicle, are too young or old to possess a car, find it a convenience and assists all by removing vehicles from our roadways. I also volunteered for four years at the annual Imua Rehab Summer Camp for differently-abled children and young people.
Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association Candidate Questionnaire 2022
1)HTA FUNDING Since the passage of House Bill 862 in 2021, the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority has undergone significant changes in the way that it receives it funding, how much funding it receives for marketing, and how much State oversight is required. Please explain how you envision HTA and its role in Hawai‘i’s tourism economy and community.
The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority has an important role as the state agency charged with managing tourism for the benefit of Hawai'i while their responsibilities are complex. Tourism is the largest single source of private capital for Hawai‘i’s economy. Their marketing reach is global representing Hawai'i. They work with the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts as a resource to assist with their efforts in marketing to the visitor industry. They must ensure their marketing is culturally sensitive, by having sufficient staff for the management of various programs, while simultaneously reaching out to various sports, music and arts organizations. They develop and create solutions that improve and strengthen, while diversifying the local economy by innovative programs that contribute to sustainable economic growth along with global marketing partners. We must make certain that the general fund covers the expenditures for the necessary programs. At the same time, we must not oversell Hawai'i, where the number of tourists may have a detrimental impact on the local residents. All programs must benefit residents and addresses their impact in communities statewide so ultimately there is also not a negative affect on visitors. Their programs need to perpetuate Hawaiian culture, protect natural resources and preserve cherished community traditions.
2) COUNTY SURCHARGE Another effect caused by HB862 was the establishment of county surcharges which are applied in addition to the existing TAT. During this year’s Legislative Session, there were several proposals to abolish the 3% cap on the county surcharge and allow county officials to set the rate as they see fit. Are you willing to oppose any additional increase to the TAT and abolishment of the 3% cap for the next two years? Four years?
It appears that since the TAT was only recently changed and the counties currently have a 3% cap which was passed by the Legislature in 2021, it seems that without some dramatic situation, it may be beneficial to allow this to remain for four years. Afterwards at that time we may look at the impact it has had on funding within the State and in each county. This will give sufficient time to evaluate both the positive and negative affects. At that point we may revisit and see what modifications may be warranted.
3) WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Employers across the state are currently struggling with a worker shortage, and the local tourism industry is no different. HLTA has been working closely with State officials to create a workforce development initiative that would provide job training and certification for high school and college students here in Hawai‘i. These would focus on preparing students to ably enter the work force and will include certifications for jobs of all types including food/beverage, front office, engineering, and more. Would you support consistent State funding for this initiative? If no, please explain why.
Yes I would support consistent funding. I was the mathematics teacher and academic instructor at Hawai'i Job Corp-Maui site for over nine years. The four vocational programs included ones which were supportive of the visitor industry, including building and apartment maintenance, business, culinary and landscaping. Most of our graduates were able to find employment soon after completing their studies. I saw the value in this type of education and training and feel that the concept of a workforce development program would be extremely beneficial to both the young people, the visitor industry and those who come to Hawai'i and find professional staff at numerous accommodations and businesses they utilize while here in Hawai'i.
4) IMPACT FEES/CONSERVATION HLTA is a longstanding supporter of the concept of impact fees as a means to control the amount of traffic that is experienced by local attractions and invest in sustainability efforts to protect this attraction. We believe strongly in the viability of the Hanauma Bay model and have supported the State’s decision to start collecting these fees at several popular tourist areas around the state. Do you support the enactment of impact fees at heavily visited tourist attractions? If yes, why? If no, what policy would you use instead?
I have long been an advocate for impact fees for visitors. For years, there were Kama'aina benefits, charges and savings at various locations. The impact fee is similar in that it affects non-residents. I am a strong proponent for instituting additional charges, while making certain that the fees are not paid by Hawai'i residents and that they are exempt. Examples may be rentals of vehicles, surf boards, snorkel equipment, visiting parks and various natural attractions, perhaps at restaurants, movie theaters, playhouses, concerts, parking, et al. The list goes on while the possibilities are numerous.
5) HOMELESSNESS In previous years, HLTA has worked with the HTA and Legislature to administer and allocate $1 million in State matching funds to address homelessness. Would you support a similar measure that would provide funds for this initiative? Moreover, how would you work with the visitor industry to address homelessness statewide?
It is estimated that close to 40% of families in Hawai'i are just able to maintain. Thousands are houseless, live in vehicles, have no permanent home or are unsheltered. Yet there are tens of thousands who are doing quite well. A community can be judged on how it treats its most vulnerable members. Thus I am passionate about doing something with affordable accommodations and the homeless. Those people unsheltered include various differences and they are not a homogeneous group. It includes family households, unaccompanied young adults, veterans and the largest percentage are individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. Some live in vehicles, others stay with friends and families when possible. Plus a large percentage have some form of substance abuse or addiction, along with many who need psychiatric assistance. I would definitely support an initiative which provides funds to assist those in need. I would also move to eliminating at the state level all types of anti-vagrancy laws, plus the laws against living in a vehicle until we have sufficient housing.
6) HOUSING Our counties continue to struggle with a housing crisis and issues related to homelessness. If elected, what policies or initiatives will you look to implement to provide more housing for local residents?
An example of positive legislation is HB2345, which purpose is to facilitate and establish funding for the development of affordable housing for teachers on a certain parcel of land. Something similar could be done throughout the State. Housing is a large portion of most people and family's expenses. I support additional funding and matching legislation throughout the State, since permitting, planning and land use rules are mostly a county responsibility. We can offer incentives to each County to fast-track affordable developments which offer ALICE individuals and families special options to buy and rent these units. Essential items for one's household have increased, yet wages have not kept up. We are now in a situation of inflation, with wages slowly going up yet not keeping pace. I have been an advocate for creating a “living wage” for many years. Ironically this legislative session, the minimum wage was raised, where it will reach $18/hour by 2028, yet $18/hour is currently not satisfactory for Maui County and all of Hawai'i. The legislation which was recently passed does not reach that threshold for six more years. However at the same time we have a significant cross section of the population who live with an extraordinarily higher living situation. Despite steady economic improvements according to traditional measures, in Hawai'i there has been little improvement and general living standards have been stagnant for the last few years. There is much which needs to be done to support families and children to get ahead yet are unable to. Household basic bare minimum budget items include housing, child care, food, transportation, technology, and health care. We must lower taxes for low income people and raise taxes on those who can afford to pay higher taxes. We must encourage counties to raise property taxes on second, third, fourth and more homes, establishing multi-tiered levels of taxation.
We can expand funding for the Hawai'i Public Housing Authority to provide more affordable rental housing through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Also the Hawai'i Housing Finance & Development Corporation so as to expand programs for home ownership.
It is unacceptable that numerous individuals and families must work more than one job to be able to afford housing and an acceptable standard of living. A recent Aloha United Way report stated that there has been no improvement since 2010 in the number of ALICE individuals and families in Hawaiʻi despite steady economic improvements according to traditional measures. The ALICE household survival budget is the bare minimum cost of household basics necessary to live and work in the modern economy and includes housing, child care, food, transportation, technology, and health care. The standard of living focuses on basic material factors and refers to the level of goods and services available to a socioeconomic class; this has been steadily going down in Hawai'i. Quality of life is more subjective.
In a recent Civil Beat article, the situation for un-housed, un-sheltered, houseless and individuals living in a vehicle has actually been growing in the last few years. We must reevaluate our zoning and land use regulations while allowing denser development in high-opportunity areas for affordable housing plus what is permitted on plots of land, while taking the environmental impact as the first consideration. Without paving over paradise, and taking more agricultural land for development, there are items which could be done to provide more affordable housing, both for purchase and rent for our residents. We must recoup money, perhaps in the form of taxes and fees, from those coming to Hawai'i, purchasing houses for cash and thus raising the price for everyone. I recently worked for the Census Bureau and it was found that in Maui County, which has the highest percentage of empty housing units [condominiums/apartments/houses] in the State, not including hotel rooms or timeshares, which is approximately one in five houses. A unit is considered vacant as ones owned by individuals who do not live in the house/condo/apartment, or ones not leased long-term by Maui County residents. An additional progressive idea is that of investigating the feasibility of a Universal Basic Income for the residents of Hawai'i Nei. Creative/innovated thinking is required.
7) Finally, if you are elected, what will you look to accomplish during your first term?with us your priorities for your first TERM.
People want to travel; I have been to over fifty countries and all fifty States. We live on the most remote islands on the planet. Each island has a carrying capacity which when exceeded has a profound detrimental effect on the flora, fauna, aina and the local residents of Hawai'i. When it is having negative impacts on the quality of life of Hawai'i residents, then it is essential we much focus on this challenge. We need to better manage the number of visitors. Shifting to “ecotourism” is important. We will not eliminate tourism nor the visitor industry, nor should we. We must expand health care facilities. Movie and television production are also possibilities. Educational opportunities, since Hawai'i is a perfect location for areas, such as marine biology and astronomy. Research potential in the local culture plus we are ideally situated for the Pacific and Asian regions. Renewable energy, with wind, solar, wave and technologies not even thought of as of yet, are further growth opportunities. Eliminating the tax on food and medicine, raising property taxes on second, third homes and those owned by non-residents. Perhaps most importantly, we must tackle the lack of affordable housing; the number of unsheltered individuals and families, is unacceptable. The census concluded that nearly twenty percent of homes on Maui were not being lived in. Reevaluating land use, zoning while allowing denser development in high-opportunity areas for affordable housing; allowing second, tiny and smaller homes, while not allowing agricultural land for development. Visitors do not want to come and find thousands living in tents and various shelters along the roads of Hawai'i. These are a variety of significant issues which must be addressed and I pledge to do just that during my first term. Having an opened office and communication with the HLTA and all constituents. At the same time, locating colleagues who see these as fundamental issues.
Candidate Bicycle Questionnaire 2022
Maui Bicycling League is working to make Maui County a better place to ride, with new greenways, safer routes and a strong bicycle culture that welcomes bicycling on Maui, Lanai and Molokai.
Email *
Candidate for
Hawai'i State House of Representatives, D-13
Phone number
1. What will you do to ensure Hawaii completes The Hawaii Bike Plan according to schedule. (https://hidot.hawaii.gov/highways/bike-plan-hawaii-master-plan)
I am a strong advocate for alternative methods of transportation, including bicycling and pedestrian paths. Thirty years ago the State of Hawai'i made it a priority to build other ways of moving people around besides the automobile. We need a combination of various modes and methods. I have been and will continue to promote and be a strong advocate for the State to develop and dedicate paths, greenways, safer routes and roads. More people will use a bicycle to get around if it were made safer, by providing a network dedicated to non-motorized methods of movement. It is urged that pathways shall be separated and protected from vehicular traffic, with physical or natural barriers for bicycle traffic.
2. How will you help achieve the state's safety goals in The HDOT Pedestrian Bicycle Safety Action Plan and SB 1402, and to become carbon net-negative by 2045?
Hawai'i's Vision Zero Mission Statement is to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries on our roadways, while increasing safe, equitable mobility and health. There is federal guidance and funding; thirty years ago passing the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA). There is also the Federal Safe Routes to School funding and the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), plus the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program. I will make certain that all Federal funding programs are fully utilized. Recently H.R.3684, the "Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act" will bring at least $2.8 billion in federal funding to Hawai'i. We need a comprehensive approach and specific actions in engineering, enforcement, and education. And infrastructure; it is urged that pathways shall be separated and protected from vehicular traffic, with physical or natural barriers for bicycle traffic.
3. Describe ways you have helped implement safer walking and bicycling in your community.
I have testified, campaigned, supported and been an advocate for expanded non-motorized pathways, walking trails and even equestrian corridors.
4. Do you ever use a bicycle to get around? What's your main mode of transport?
When I lived in Lahaina, I often used my bicycle to get around. Since moving out to the north shore, I now use my pickup truck to get to town. It is great to see the bike path that has now been completed, going from Kahului to Pa'ia, and I have been on parts of it.
5. According to The League of American Bicyclists, Hawaii is ranked 38th out of 50 states for bike friendliness. Why do you think it's important to have a bike and pedestrian-friendly community and how will you help achieve this?
I will continue as I have done for years, in campaigns and testimony, to promote and be a strong advocate for the State to develop and dedicate paths, greenways, safer routes and roads. I will urge that we need a combination of various modes and methods of moving people around. The current environmental challenges makes it necessary that we stop encouraging only the automobile for our transportation. Both federal and state guidance desires numerous considerations. These would include, as State legislation described in the complete streets policy, that people have access to all modes of transportation, while decreasing single occupancy vehicles, reducing cost and miles traveled in vehicles. Safety is of the utmost consideration, as is reducing costs and being aware of and meeting the state renewable standards for a clean economy along with zero carbon emissions.
6. I support the installation of protected bike lanes even if that means removing a motor vehicle lane and/or parking spaces.
Explain your response in number 6.
This is part of the State and Federal guidance on building roads. Suggestions are to construct where feasible and possible lanes, roads and pathways separated and protected from vehicular and bicycle traffic by physical or natural barriers. When implementing, planning and designing infrastructure, we must consider all consequences if we are wanting to reduce those in cars, plus our environmental impact, while making it more convenient and safer.
7. Vehicular homicide can lead to 0-10 years of prison and $25,000 fines in Hawaii. I support more stringent laws such as 2-60 years like other states.
Explain your response in number 7.
I would support raising the consequences of vehicular homicide. Killing someone while driving is a catastrophic thing to occur. There may be reasons why and how it happened. This would give prosecutors, juries and judges more options in imposing sentences. What is of equal importance is educating the community along with building safer roadways.
8. In Hawaii, texting and driving leads to a $300 fine. Other states have stricter laws like in Alaska, where it's considered a misdemeanor and carries a maximum penalty of $10,000 and one year in prison. I support increasing the penalties of distracted driving.
Explain your response in number 8.
I would support increasing the penalties of someone cited for distracted driving. The potential for injuring or killing someone is raised when operating a vehicle and not being totally focused on driving. What is of equal importance is educating the community about the dangers.
9. Other comments?
We need to offer convenient and safe alternative methods of moving people around, including bicycles plus retrofitting, increasing and making more affordable our public transportation buses & system along with utilizing more environmentally friendly fuels. Mahalo for all of your efforts on these issues.
2018 Election Star Advertiser: Nick Nikhilananda
Visionary political perspectives - 6 September 2018
Nikhilananda is people’s choice for state House - 25 September 2016
Vote for Nikhilananda is vote of confidence - 11 September 2016
Policy proposed for beach park is totally backward - 28 August 2016
Interesting primary. - 7 August 2016
We must have a council that cares about residents. - 26 July 2016
Ballot printing totals need to be open process. - 21 July 2016
House Candidates face off in Ha'iku. - 21 July 2016
Green Party endorses Nikhilananda. - 10 June 2016
Candidates Race to meet filing deadline. - 8 June 2016
Newspaper displays bias against Nikhilananda. - 7 June 2016
Nikhilananda teated unfairly in newspaper. - 5 June 2016
New Political Parties Get Their Shot On Hawaii Ballots This Year. - 10 May 2016
Two file papers for 13th House seat. - 22 April 2016
Tweaks urged regarding government restructuring. - 8 April 2016
Votes of some council members are hypocritical. - 7 April 2016
Numerous changes would improve electoral system. - 28 February 2016
Rulings have impacts on our access to water. - 24 February 2016
On The Campaign Trail - Nikhilananda seeks state House seat. - 5 February 2016
Let's Make This Happen - February/March 2016
https://issuu.com/mauipromo/docs/mauivision216. [page 24]
Almost no one celebrated people losing their income. - 28 January 2016
Phasing out of cane creates opportunity. - 12 January 2016
More doublespeak from the mayor, as usual. - 2 September 2015
Where do Maui’s elected officials stand on TPP? - 11 August 2015
Viewpoint - Election reform: Voters need more choices with third-party candidates. - 31 May 2015
Benefits seen in using Maui residents as guinea pigs. - 1 April 2015
Many voters appear confused on votes they cast. - 27 January 2015
Tired of status quo? Then vote for Nikhilananda. - 1 November 2014
Vote for change or else surrender to incompetence. - 30 October 2014
Nikhilananda only choice for East Maui council seat. - 30 October 2014
Nikhilananda the right choice for County Council. - 30 October 2014
Gullible citizens make for a vulnerable community. - 29 October 2014
Vote for most progressive candidate: Nikhilananda. - 29 October 2014
Veteran candidates vie for East Maui council seat. - 23 October 2014
Vote for a change of direction in Maui politics. - 22 October 2014
Highly Questionable GMO Pesticides Put To A Vote on Nov. 4. - October/November 2014
https://issuu.com/mauipromo/docs/mauivision1014. [page 5]
Council silent while propaganda spewed. - 22 September 2014
Bizzaro world created by entrenched politicians. - 27 August 2014
Time to change leaders if lives haven't improved. - 7 August 2014
Nikhilananda deserves a chance on County Council. - 5 August 2014
More changes would better our electoral system. - 31 July 2014
Ineptitude of elected officials on broad display. - 18 July 2014
On the contray - multiple ways to reach candidate. - 15 July 2014
Method of electing council member must change. - 30 June 2014
Interview. - July/August 2014
Sustainability needs to be a priority for Maui. - 23 June 2014
Our electoral system needs fundamental progressive change.
Viewpoint - Green Party needs to be included. - 16 May 2014
Green Party candidates must be treated fairly.
Viewpoint - Green Party convention Saturday. - 24 April 2013
Debates should include other candidates. - 30 October 2012
Charter Commission failed Maui residents. - 29 October 2012
Viewpoint - Green Party of Hawai'i convention Saturday. - 16 May 2012
Current Charter Commission is a huge disappointment. - 25 February 2012
Viewpoint - Green Party working to get on ballot. - 19 November 2011
Pickup Truck legislation unnecessary.
Ban on riding in back of pickups impractical. - 7 August 2011
Viewpoint - Having Green Party candidates on ballot offers voters more choices. - 30 April 2011
Community sad to see Hanzawa's close.
Personal attacks in editorial taken to task. - 9 April 2011
Coverage did not include all parties.
Akaku not deserving of criticism it has received. - 1 December 2010
School system needs improvement.
Couple was trying to improve rural lifestyle. - 16 November 2010
Green Party announces Hawai'i convention.
Candidates left out of gubernatorial debate. - 20 October 2010
Changes needed to improve schools, County Council. - 26 July 2010
‘Maui Talks-TV’ on Tuesday. - 8 February 2010
Green Party of Hawaii petitioning to be on ballots. - 24 November 2009